White Paper: Application of CRISPR/Cas to the Generation of Genetically Engineered Mice CRISPR/Cas-based gene editing technologies continue to expand the capabilities of bioscience and drug discovery researchers. Existing processes have matured, while whole new applications — such as large, exogenous insertions — open exciting possibilities for efficiently modelling human disease.

Are you taking full advantage of the latest CRISPR/Cas technology in your model design programs?

Generating In Vivo Research Models with CRISPR

Download this updated white paper to find out how CRISPR/Cas technologies can streamline and accelerate your genetic engineering projects, while costing significantly less than pre-CRISPR gene editing techniques.

You will learn:

  • How in-embryo CRISPR gene editing works

  • Which advantages and limitations of CRISPR impact your designs

  • When to prefer CRISPR, Easi-CRISPR, or previous editing technologies

  • Why incorporating CRISPR into your program can dramatically reduce project timelines

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