
While developing a novel gnotobiotic housing strategy, researchers on the Nested Isolation project discovered a cyclical bias in the microbiome composition of animals in SPF cages. These changes in microbiota could influence phenotype and confound study endpoints, with implications for the reproducibility of some gnotobiotic research.

How can you best identify and control for cyclical bias in your microbiome studies?

Detecting and Controlling for Cyclical Bias

Join us to find out more on the discovery and impacts of cyclical selection bias in microbiome research.

Watch On-Demand and you will learn:
  • How researchers discovered and verified cyclical bias.

  • What impacts this has on the gut microbiome dynamics of mice.

  • Three strategies to control for cyclical selection bias in your research.


Alexander Rodriguez-Palacios, DMVAlexander Rodriguez-Palacios, DVM, MSc, DVSc, PhD
Asst. Professor, Division of Gastroenterology & Liver Disease, Dept of Medicine
Technical Director, Mouse Models Research Core
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

Dr. Rodriguez-Palacios is both a clinician and research director. He is a board-certified veterinary internist and clinical microbiologist and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

He is the Technical Director of the mouse models core at the Silvio O Conte Cleveland Digestive Diseases Research Core Center and the Director of the Germ-Free and Microbiome Core at the Digestive Health Institute at CWRU.

He is currently researching animal models of intestinal inflammation, the role of diet and microbiome in disease severity and prevention, and methods for assessing the 3-D architecture of inflamed intestinal tissues, while working to define the genomic features of Crohn’s disease-like ileitis in mouse models.

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