How to Harness the MicrobiomeAs our knowledge of the microbiome grows, its confounding experimental impacts generate concern about reproducibility in animal model research. Are you properly controlling for its effects?

Improve the Reproducibility of Preclinical Research

In this exclusive Taconic Biosciences webinar, you will learn how rodent model microbiomes impact study endpoints and reproducibilty in preclinical research.
  • How does the microbiome create experimental variability?

  • How do microbiota impact animal research and reproducibility?

  • How can you control for these impacts with appropriate models?
Rodent model microbiomes introduce confounding effects in an alarming range of study endpoints. Learning how to identify and control for relevant microbiota will improve the accuracy and reproducibility of your preclinical research.


Presenter Aaron Ericsson Aaron Ericsson is a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri (MU) and Director of the MU Metagenomics Center. He serves as lead scientist for microbiome research for the NIH-funded MU Mutant Mouse Resource and Research Center (MMRRC) and Rat Resource and Research Center (RRRC).

Dr. Ericsson received a BA from the University of Iowa, and a DVM and PhD in Pathobiology from the University of Missouri. He also completed a residency in laboratory animal medicine through the MU Comparative Medicine Program, where he now serves as a core faculty member in this T32-funded post-DVM training program.

He holds independent funding through the NIH (K01) and has published extensively on the role of the microbiome in animal health and animal models of human disease.

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