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Care of Humanized Immune System Mice for Experimental Success

Humanized immune system (HIS) mice are powerful tools to model the human immune response in vivo. They are used widely in immuno-oncology and infectious disease as well as other research applications. However, these models can be challenging to generate and maintain. Taconic Biosciences has produced and distributed thousands of HIS mice over the past decade. In this 15-minute presentation, Taconic HIS mouse experts will share guidance on optimal housing and husbandry for these special models, including specific recommendations for maintaining the health of more delicate next-generation models.



Marla Wilwol, Manager Preclinical Services, Taconic Biosciences | Esther Singh, Senior Supervisor, Preclinical Services, Taconic Biosciences | Emily Shako, Laboratory Veterinary Animal Nurse, Taconic Biosciences

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