Presented by:

Kenneth Klingenberg Barfod,, PhD
at National Research Centre for the Working Environment

How relevant is the lung microbiome to your future research programs? Get an introduction to this fresh field of microbiome investigation from one of the world’s leading experts.

Exploring the Murine Lung Microbiome

microbiome-gut.jpgIn this free webinar, we will review the state of murine lung microbiome research, with an eye on experimental design and technical challenges in mouse microbiota experiments.
  • Overview and introduction to lung microbiome research

  • Designing effective mouse microbiota experiments

  • Correcting for technical challenges and pitfalls in data analysis

  • Promising avenues for future research



Dr. Kenneth Klingenberg Barfod is a microbiologist studying the effects of occupational exposure to airborne bacteria in the work environment. His PhD research focused on occupational inhalation of bacteria-based pesticides.

For the last six years, Dr. Barfod explored the nature and function of the lung microbiome in mouse models in order to determine if could be experimentally altered to affect lung development and disease.

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