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Humanized Mice in Preclinical Immuno-Oncology | Part I


Preclinical pipelines for cancer immunotherapies increasingly incorporate rodent models that support the dual engraftment of human immune system cells and human tumors. These humanized models enable researchers to evaluate human-specific therapies, often dramatically reducing preclinical timelines while increasing the translational relevance of study results.

There is no single best humanized mouse model. Understanding how and which humanized mouse model to apply is critical to effective preclinical immuno-oncology (IO) efforts.

This two-part webinar series from Taconic Biosciences explores how humanized mouse models enable preclinical evaluation of novel immunotherapies, with a special focus on immune cell-engaging bispecific, checkpoint inhibition, and combinatorial preclinical strategies.

Part I

The first session in this series will cover the design of preclinical studies that leverage foundational humanized immune system models, such as PBMC-engrafted NOG mice and HSC-engrafted NOG mice (huNOG), and their use in evaluating combinatorial treatment strategies.

Part II

The second session in this series will explore how next-generation humanized mouse models uniquely support important human immune cell populations, paving the wat for the development of advanced IO therapeutics.

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About The Presenter

Paul Volden, PhD

Field Applications Scientist | Taconic Biosciences

Dr. Paul Volden is a Field Application Scientist at Taconic Biosciences. He earned his PhD from the University of Chicago’s Committee on Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition and has over a decade of biological and biomedical research experience, spanning rodent model applications for cancer, metabolic disease, and cardiovascular disease.

At Taconic, Dr. Volden assists researchers with in vivo model selection and study design, specializing in humanized immune system mice as preclinical models for evaluating novel immunotherapies.

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