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NASH Rodent Models: From Design to Cohort

In this webinar, get up to speed on all things NASH, and prepare to run a successful study with a custom NASH genetically engineered model (GEM). 

 There are many preclinical models of NASH, using both rats and mice, and novel models continue to be developed. Diet conditioning is a common approach to generate NASH rodents. The starting animal line can be from an inbred strain or outbred stock, a commercially-available GEM strain, or a novel GEM designed to mimic relevant human mutations.  

 Since a newly generated GEM may exist as only one or more founder animals, it’s important to have a plan to rapidly expand and generate study cohorts in order to meet drug discovery timelines. Generating a new genetically engineered NASH model is just the start. Executing a successful study on the fastest timeline possible requires expertise in model design and generation, innovative breeding plans, and careful project management. This webinar gives examples of model generation and study cohort production for NASH research, and addresses the steps you need to take before you start your study. 


View the webinar to learn about:

  • The various stages of NASH rodent model development, from concept to study-ready
  • The impact of a well-planned colony expansion on the overall research timeline
  • How to plan ahead for attrition and other factors that can affect your project
  • NASH diet types, and considerations for diet ordering, storage, and sterility testing
  • Taconic’s capabilities: from design through colony expansion, diet-conditioning and tissue collection

Regina DeLellis, PhD

Scientific Program Manager, Colony Management Solutions

Dr. Regina DeLellis has worked with genetically modified murine models for over 8 years. She obtained her PhD in Nutritional Science from the University of Florida where she developed preclinical therapies to modulate intestinal iron absorption to address both iron-deficiency anemia and genetic iron overload. She has experience in nutrient metabolism research, molecular biology, rodent breeding and surgery. As a former research scientist in the biotech industry, she understands the needs of researchers for reliable rodent models and efficient colony management.

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Why choose Taconic for your new NASH project?  

Taconic has generated and delivered novel NASH murine models for many of the world’s top pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Our comprehensive solutions include design and generation of novel genetically-engineered models, and the execution of complex breeding and diet-conditioning projects. Our start-to-finish solutions allow us to deliver the fastest timelines in the industry. 

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